Sully - Hundesitter in Berlin
Beschreibung * Alter: 32 Jahre * Stundenlohn zwischen 9 € und 50 € * Nichtraucher * 10 Jahre Erfahrung * bietet Vollzeit an Sully betreut folgende Tierarten: Hundesitter Katzensitter Hallo! I just arrived in Berlin again (already lived here for 9 months) to study German and Films. In the meanwhile, I'm working with what I love the most: cats and dogs:) During my whole life I had pets around, and in the last 15 years I helped my mother rescuing and taking care of the ones she found on the street. So, yes, I have a lot of experience, including giving meds and supervising some with special needs. I'm writing in English because my German is still very basic, sorry, I'm learning. If you think I'm fit for the job, let's talk!