Dell Mini 9
Prozessortyp: Intel Atom 1,60GHz Arbeitsspeicher: 1GB HDD-Festplattenkapazität: 8GB Bildschirmgröße: 8,9 Zoll (22,6 cm) Betriebssystem: Lubuntu (Englisch) It's time to let my favorite netbook go. The little fellow is in a good condition, with the exception of the missing right ALT key. The battery lasts for at least an hour, although depends on how it is being used. It has proven to be quite efficient to: - Browse internet (Facebook, mail, blogs, etc.). - Runs Kodi without issues at all. Through Kodi even p videos are playing nicely. - Runs without issues several emulators. It is loaded with Ubuntu (Lubuntu, to be more precise). The sleeve comes for free.