Pinho - Hundesitter in Nürnberg
Beschreibung * Alter: 24 Jahre * Stundenlohn zwischen 8 € und 12 € * Nichtraucher * 5 Jahre Erfahrung * bietet Teilzeit an * Fährt max.5 km * Notfallbetreuung * Hat einen eigenen PKW Pinho betreut folgende Tierarten: Hundesitter Kleine Säugetiere Voegel Katzensitter Fische Halo! My name is Liliana, I am a Portuguese student currently in Nürnberg and I am an animal lover since I was a little child. I've always had furry friends in my parents house, from dogs to birds and cats... and I have a dog and a cat of my own, currently. Unfortunately, they couldn't come with me this six months. Therefore, if you still need it, I would be more than happy to take care of your cat. It's an easy way to have some contact with animals, that I really miss. Plus, I have a lot of experience in this field. I will be waiting for you feedback! Anyway, enjoy your vacation. Best Regards, Liliana