Lastwagen aus gebranntem Ton, LÀnge ca. 50 cm, Höhe ca. 30
@font-face { font-family: "Times New Roman"; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0cm 0cm pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: Times; }p.MsoBodyText, li.MsoBodyText, div.MsoBodyText { margin: 0cm 0cm pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(); }p.MsoBodyTextIndent, li.MsoBodyTextIndent, div.MsoBodyTextIndent { margin: 0cm 0cm pt pt; text-indent: -pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: Helvetica; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; } Lastwagen aus gebranntem Ton, LĂ€nge ca. 50 cm, Höhe ca. 30 cm. Es handelt sich um ein Unikat eines afrikanischen KĂŒnstlers namens Austin HLEZA aus Swaziland, sĂŒdliches Afrika. Ungewöhnlich ist, daĂ sich die RĂ€der drehen und die TĂŒren und der Holzgaskessel geöffnet werden können. Der KĂŒnstler war zu Lebzeiten in SĂŒdafrika sehr bekannt und hat an zahlreichen Ausstellungenm teilgenommen: Indingilizi Gallery, Mbabane. Corobrick (Annual National) Republic of South Africa. Johannesburg Art Gallery - "The Neglected Tradition" Johannesburg College of Education. FUBA (Federated Union of Black Artists), Johannesburg Total Exhibition (National) Johannesburg. University of Zululand, Kwadlangezwa. The South African Art Association (Annual Exhibitions) Swaziland Art Society, Mbabane. permanente Ausstellungen in: Indingilizi Gallery, Mbabane. Corobrick (Annual National) Republic of South Africa. Johannesburg Art Gallery - "The Neglected Tradition" Johannesburg College of Education. FUBA (Federated Union of Black Artists), Johannesburg Total Exhibition (National) Johannesburg. University of Zululand, Kwadlangezwa. The South African Art Association (Annual Exhibitions) Swaziland Art Society, Mbabane. Der Lebenslauf von Austin HLEZA in Englisch: Austin Hleza was born in Mpuluzi, Western Swaziland, in and died . As a child, Hleza made his own toys from clay. He began his schooling at Mpuluzi and went to Bhunya for his secondary\' education. Hleza completed his Junior Certificate at Mater Dolorosa in Swaziland and then trained for two years at Sedco (Small Enterprises Development Corporation). During this time, he attended art classes in the evening, studying drawing and painting. From to Hleza worked as a clerk at the post office and then briefly on a gold mine in Kinross in the Eastern Transvaal. In he returned to Swaziland and worked as an assistant manager in the Ceramics Department at Mantenga Handicraft Centre, Ezulweni. In he left Mantenga Crafts and set up his own workshop at Tishweshwe. It was in this year that he began making clay cars. In he returned to Sedco and shortly thereafter obtained a post as a lecturer at the National Handicraft Centre (formerly known as the Chinese Handicraft Centre). His work has been exhibited a number of times at die FUBA and Goodman Galleries. During he worked periodically at Barry Douglas's pottery studio in Johannesburg.