speak english like native

Speak English Like a Native

Speak English Like a Native

Do you need English? Do you want English? For work, for holidays, any age, whatever you need, I can help. Mein Deutsch ist auch ziemlich gut. https://www.linkedin.com/in/pottergareth/ Brauchst du Englisch? Willst du Englisch? Für Arbeit, Urlaub, jedes Alter, was immer Sie brauchen, kann ich Ihnen helfen. Mein Deutsch ist auch so gut. https://www.linkedin.com/in/pottergareth/ https://garethpotterconsulting.wordpress.com/ FACEBOOK: @garethpotterenglish Dies ist ein Angebot unseres Partners ' Quoka.de '.

Speak English Like a Native

Speak English Like a Native

Do you need English? Do you want English? For work, for holidays, any age, whatever you need, I can help. Mein Deutsch ist auch ziemlich gut. https://www.linkedin.com/in/pottergareth/ Brauchst du Englisch? Willst du Englisch? Für Arbeit, Urlaub, jedes Alter, was immer Sie brauchen, kann ich Ihnen helfen. Mein Deutsch ist auch so gut. https://www.linkedin.com/in/pottergareth/ I AM HAPPY TO EMAIL YOU MY CV. I RECOMMEND YOU SEE MY LINKEDIN PROFILE Dies ist ein Angebot unseres Partners ' Quoka.de '.

Verwandte Suchanfragen speak english like native: Speak English Like a Native
Professional English classes with Native English Teacher

Professional English classes with Native English Teacher

Hello. I am Irish and have been teaching for 15 years. I managed my own language school in Ireland, but I have now moved to Augsburg as my wife is German. I teach the following levels: Nachhilfe A2 (Elementary-Pre-Intermediate) B1 (Pre- Intermediate and Intermediate) B2 (Advanced Intermediate) C1 (Advanced) I am highly skilled, experienced and particularly talented in the following levels: - General English - Nachhilfe - PET - FCE (First Certificate) - CAE (Cambridge Advanced) - IELTS Class duration: 60 minutes All material provided. Professional service. My classes are enjoyable and productive. I teach from home (very conveniently located near the City Galerie). I can be contacted on Whatsapp, also. Thank you. Dies ist ein Angebot unseres Partners ' Quoka.de '.

English Tutor Native / Englisch Nachhilfe / Business English

English Tutor Native / Englisch Nachhilfe / Business English

Hallo ich heiße Daria! Ich gebe seit Nachhilfe. Begonnen habe ich während meiner Zeit an einem englischsprachigen Internat. Im Moment studiere ich Betriebswirtschaftslehre an einer internationalen Universität in München. Wenn Sie nach einer Englisch Nachhilfe für Sie oder Ihre Kinder suchen sind Sie bei mir richtig! Meine Kompetenzen, - Nachhilfe für Kinder in der Vorschule und Grundschule - Nachhilfe für Schüler der Haupt-, Realschule und Gymnasien - Einführung und Nachhilfe im Bereich des Business English (Hilfe bei Vorbereitungen für Präsentationen, Außlandsprojekte und Vorstellungsgespräche) - Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten (Korrekturlesen und Beratung) - Englisch in Konversationen (Förderung der Leichtigkeit im Umgang mit Englisch) Ich spreche angemessen Deutsch, Englisch und Russisch auf Muttersprachen Niveau. Wenn Sie es bevorzugen den Unterricht bei Ihnen zu Hause zu gestalten, dann ist das auch kein Problem. Hello, my name is Daria! I have been teaching English since , covering both business and school programs. Currently, I am pursuing an International Business and Management degree in Munich. If you are looking for a tutor for your children or thinking about improving your English level - look no further! My areas of expertise: - Pre-school and primary school children (basics, homework, interactive learning) - Highschool (grammar, assignments, speaking) - Business English (preparation for presentations, projects abroad, interviews) - Academic Work (proofreading, consultation) - Conversational English (fluency training) I speak conversational German, fluent Russian and English. I offer lessons at home, in your office, or any place of preference including Skype lessons.

Verwandte Suchanfragen speak english like native: English Tutor Native / Englisch Nachhilfe / Business English
Professional English classes with Native English Teacher

Professional English classes with Native English Teacher

Hello. I am Irish and have been teaching for 15 years. I had my own language school in Ireland, but I have now moved to Augsburg as my wife is German. I teach the following levels: A2 (Elementary-Pre-Intermediate) B1 (Pre- Intermediate and Intermediate) B2 (Advanced Intermediate) C1 (Advanced) I am highly skilled, experienced and particularly talented in the following levels: - General English - PET - FCE (First Certificate) - CAE (Cambridge Advanced) - IELTS Class duration: 60 minutes All material provided. Professional service. My classes are enjoyable and productive. I teach from home (very conveniently located near the City Galerie). Thank you. Adrian Dies ist ein Angebot unseres Partners ' Quoka.de '.

Let`s Speak English 2

Let`s Speak English 2

Let`s Speak English 2 von Langenscheid mit 3 Casetten und ein Lernbuch

Verwandte Suchanfragen speak english like native: Let`s Speak English 2
Ravensburger Do you speak English?

Ravensburger Do you speak English?

Spielend Englisch lernen mit Ravensburger

Let`s Speak English 2

Let`s Speak English 2

Let`s Speak English 2 von Langenscheid mit 3 Casetten und ein Lehrnbuch

Verwandte Suchanfragen speak english like native: Let`s Speak English 2
Anderson, Laurie Halse Speak Cornelsen Senior English

Anderson, Laurie Halse Speak Cornelsen Senior English

Bücher Spielwaren Filme Musik Games sonstiges Anderson, Laurie Halse Speak Cornelsen Senior English Library - Literatur Beschreibung Klappentext \r\n \r\n \n \nInformationen zur Titelgruppe:\n \n \n\n In ihrem ersten Highschool-Jahr wird Melinda vergewaltigt. Sprechen kann und will sie nicht - weder

Deutsch-Unterricht (I speak English also) kostenlos im

Deutsch-Unterricht (I speak English also) kostenlos im

in Nürnberg. ich biete kostenlosen Deutsch-Unterricht im Tausch gegen Massage. ich spreche und schreibe deutsch perfekt. (100 % deutsch) alleine lebend und ohne kinder. I can speak english. contact me i do not bite

Verwandte Suchanfragen speak english like native: Deutsch-Unterricht (I speak English also) kostenlos im
Native English language teacher

Native English language teacher

Hello, My name is Sam, I'm a native English speaker from Oxfordshire in England and I have been teaching ESL for over 6 years. I hold the highly regarded CELTA certificate and have experience teaching all levels within the European framework of languages A1 to C2 I also have experience teaching all ages from children to adults. The price for 1 hour is 18 Euros but I am happy to give you a free 15 minute consultation to discuss your goals, find your level and answer any questions that you may have. My email is Or contact me directly on Skype my ID is "samcassin"

English native speaker gesucht

English native speaker gesucht

Suche dringend jemand der am Wochenende Zeit hat eine 8 seitige Präsentation in Englisch Korrektur zu Lesen. Geht per Mail

Verwandte Suchanfragen speak english like native: English native speaker gesucht
English native speaker needed

English native speaker needed

I would like to meet an English native speaker from time to time to brush up my conversation skills. I am a German business woman. Experienced people (working, academics) preferred.

English Conversation/Native Speaker

English Conversation/Native Speaker

We are looking for an englisch teacher who would like to practice english conversation and pronunciation for my 8 years old son and me. We are beginner and want to learn speaking english with fun and regularly.

Verwandte Suchanfragen speak english like native: English Conversation/Native Speaker
Business-English with Native Speaker

Business-English with Native Speaker

Möchten Sie Hilfe erhalten, um sich sicherer beim sprechen, lesen und schreiben der englischen Sprache zu fühlen oder möchten Sie sich einfach verbessern und natürliches Englisch anstelle von Schulbuch-Englisch sprechen? Klingt interessant? Dann vereinbaren Sie einen Termin mit mir, ich freue mich auf Sie.

Business English Training - Native Speaker

Business English Training - Native Speaker

Business English training by experienced native speaker in Heusenstamm. Privat lessons and Group training. Text translations from German/English also offered.  

Verwandte Suchanfragen speak english like native: Business English Training - Native Speaker
English Native Speaker for Korrektur + Editing

English Native Speaker for Korrektur + Editing

I am a New York native, bilingual in English and German, and have been living in Munich for the past 7 years. I have Bachelors and Masters degrees and can provide proofreading, editing, and creative consulting services for all types of English speaking, writing and print production. I can also offer to improve the flow of your text as only a native speaker can! My style of working together focuses on your strengths and weaknesses, and finding techniques that specifically suit your learning style. Past experience includes editing and proofreading work at major universities in Munich as well as private clients for tutoring in conversational and written English. References and samples can be provided, and you will always be able to see the development of your texts and work through editing-program tracking (Pages or Word). Together we can figure out the best way to present your work in English, so get in touch and we can start right away!

English Classes Qualified Experienced Native Teacher

English Classes Qualified Experienced Native Teacher

Hello. I am Irish and have been teaching for 15 years. I managed my own language school in Ireland, but I have now moved to Augsburg as my wife is German. I teach the following levels: A2 (Elementary-Pre-Intermediate) B1 (Pre- Intermediate and Intermediate) B2 (Advanced Intermediate) C1 (Advanced) I am highly skilled, experienced and particularly talented in the following levels: - General English - PET - FCE (First Certificate) - CAE (Cambridge Advanced) - IELTS Class duration: 60 minutes All material provided. Professional service. My classes are enjoyable and productive. I usually teach from home (very conveniently located near the City Galerie), but I can also come to your home or place of work. Thank you. Adrian Dies ist ein Angebot unseres Partners ' Quoka.de '.

Verwandte Suchanfragen speak english like native: English Classes Qualified Experienced Native Teacher
English Native Speaker for Korrektur + Editing

English Native Speaker for Korrektur + Editing

I am a New York native, bilingual in English and German, and have been living in Munich for the past 6 years. I have Bachelors and Masters degrees and can provide proofreading, editing, and creative consulting services for all types of English speaking, writing and print production. I can also offer to improve the flow of your text as only a native speaker can! My style of working together focuses on your strengths and weaknesses, and finding techniques that specifically suit your learning style. Past experience includes editing and proofreading work at major universities in Munich as well as private clients for tutoring in conversational and written English. References and samples can be provided, and you will always be able to see the development of your texts and work through editing-program tracking (Pages or Word). Together we can figure out the best way to present your work in English, so get in touch and we can start right away!

English Classes - Experienced Qualified Native Teacher

English Classes - Experienced Qualified Native Teacher

Hello. I am Irish and have been teaching for 15 years. I managed my own language school in Ireland, but I have now moved to Augsburg as my wife is German. I teach the following levels: A2 (Elementary-Pre-Intermediate) B1 (Pre- Intermediate and Intermediate) B2 (Advanced Intermediate) C1 (Advanced) I am highly skilled, experienced and particularly talented in the following levels: - General English - PET - FCE (First Certificate) - CAE (Cambridge Advanced) - IELTS Class duration: 60 minutes All material provided. Professional service. My classes are enjoyable and productive. I usually teach from home (very conveniently located near the City Galerie), but I can also come to your home or place of work. Thank you. Dies ist ein Angebot unseres Partners ' Quoka.de '.

Verwandte Suchanfragen speak english like native: English Classes - Experienced Qualified Native Teacher
Native-English Speaking Teacher Offering Lessons

Native-English Speaking Teacher Offering Lessons

Guten Tag, mein Name ist Stephen Peng, ich bin 23 Jahre alt und komme aus Washington D.C. Seit einem halben Jahr lebe und arbeite ich in Berlin Charlottenburg. In den USA habe ich bereits drei Jahre Erfahrungen als profesioneller 40h Home Schooling Teacher gesammelt. Dabei unterrichtete ich alle Altersklassen in Englisch, Mathe und Physik. Dabei war mir der Austausch mit den Eltern und die Verbesserung der Noten meiner Schueler sehr wichtig. Ich biete Ihnen an Sie zuhause zu besuchen, jedoch ist es auch moeglich mich in Charlottenburg zu besuchen. Ich wuerde mich sehr ueber die Moeglichkeit freuen, mich Ihnen persoenlich vorzustellen. Zeitlich bin ich dabei sehr flexibel. moegliche Unterrichtszeiten: Mo-So nach Vereinbarung Liebe Gruesse Stephen Peng

English native speaker gesucht - Schüler/Stundent

English native speaker gesucht - Schüler/Stundent

Suche z.b. Student/in, Schüler/in, die 1-2 mal die Woche mit meinen Kindern ( Jahre) und mir einfach englisch redet, und wenn ich nicht da bin, mit Ihnen einfache Tätigkeiten macht, wie gemeinsam Kuchen backen, kochen.

Verwandte Suchanfragen speak english like native: English native speaker gesucht - Schüler/Stundent
English Lessons - Native U.S. Speaker

English Lessons - Native U.S. Speaker

I looking for a native english speaker to improve my English skills.   

English lessons with a native speaker

English lessons with a native speaker

  Native English lessons online. English lessons with a native speaker Would you like to improve your English without leaving your house? Now it is possible! I am a qualified teacher with English descent and had an original British accent. I offer private English lessons online. The classes are Adapted to the individual requirements of the student. You decide on the type of the lesson, so did it best suits your needs - Easy! My academic hour is 45 minutes.  

Verwandte Suchanfragen speak english like native: English lessons with a native speaker
English unterricht vom British Native Speaker

English unterricht vom British Native Speaker

Britischer Englischtrainer erteilt Unterricht für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene aller Altersstufen. Hausbesuche sind möglich. Mein Honorar beträgt Minuten, Minuten oder Minuten.  
