Tauchcomputer Aeris Savant TM Luft und Nitrox
Gebraucht, funktionstĂŒchtig, robustes GehĂ€use, Display ist mit einer Schutzfolie versehen. Dieses Modell wurde auch bei der US Navy eingesetzt. Gebrauchsanleitung unter: https://www.libble.de/aeris-savant/p//?page= Mit 2 Ersatz-Batterien Privatverkauf, keine Garantie, keine RĂŒcknahme. Abholung möglich in: Fischbach, Karlsruhe-Durlach Versand 5 EUR OPERATIONAL MODES Activation/Diagnostic Surface Date/Time FO2 Set Point Dive Planner Set - FO2 Default (on/off) Audible Alarm (on/off) Unit (imperial / metric) External Access (to download) Date (year, month, day) Time (hour, minutes) Dive Profile Resolution No Decompression Dive Decompression Dive Alternate Decompression Dive Violation (conditional, delayed, & immediate) Gauge High PO2 Level High Oxygen Accumulation Temperature Dive Log (nitrogen & oxygen) Time to Fly and Desaturate DISPLAY RANGE/RESOLUTION Numeric Displays: Range: Resolution: Dive Number 0 - 9 1 Depth ft ( m) 1 ft (.5 m) Maximum Depth 330 ft (99.5 m) 1 ft (.5 m) FO2 Set Point % PO2 Value ATA.01 ATA Dive Time Remaining 0 - 9 hr. 59 min. 1 minute Total Ascent Time 0 - 9 hr. 59 min. 1 minute Decompression Stop Time 0 - 99 min. (per stop depth) 1 minute Elapsed Dive Time 0 - 9 hr. 59 min. 1 minute Surface Time 0 - 23 hr. 59 min. 1 minute Dive Log Surface Interval 0 - 25 hr. 59 min. 1 minute Time to Fly 23 hr. 50 min. - 0* 1 minute (* starting 10 min. after the dive) Time to Desaturate 9 hr. 59 min. - 0* 1 minute (* starting 10 min. after the dive OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE Altitude: Operational from sea level to feet ( meters) elevation Recalibration of depth readings from ``feet of sea water`` to ``feet of fresh water`` when higher than feet (610 meters) elevation Power Battery 1 - 3.6 v, 1/2AA TADIRANÂź Lithium, model TL- Shelf life Up to 10 years Replacement User replaceable (annual recommended) Life expectancy 100 dives, or 1 year, whichever comes first Activation/Shutoff Manual (push button) - cannot be activated by water immersion Cannot be activated deeper than 4 feet (1.5 m) Cannot be activated at elevations higher than feet ( m) Needed before first dive. Automatically shuts off if no dive is made within 120 minutes after initial activation. Manual reactivation required. Automatically shuts off 24 hours after last dive. Cannot be shut off manually. Setting FO2 Automatically set for ``Air`` upon activation Remains set for Air unless an FO2 numerical value is set Nitrox set points from 21 to 50 % If set for 21%, remains set for 21% until changed If set for)21%, reverts to minutes after the dive (however, if the FO2 default setting is ``Off``, the previous value set will be maintained).