Beschreibung Zu verkaufen Schwarze Weiblich im Alter von 6,5 Monaten, MEGAN BLACK IRON WARRIOR, Vater:Get Ready For Brown Bear, Mutter:Lady Lin Black Iron Warrior. (Vorfahren der 5 IDC Champions - Maxim di Altobello, Come As You Are Jared,Fedor Del Nasi,Baron Nike Renewal,Ferrofarahgomez di Campovalano). TOP QUALITAT, VOLLKUPIERTE, MITPAPPAPIEREN, GARANTIE GESUNDHEIDS. Kennel - BLACK IRON WARRIOR, Webseite ( - Superiorquality, Black Female 6,5 month.Father: Get Ready For Brown Bear, Mother: Lady Lin Black Iron Warrior. Extraordinarypedigree,Inancestors 5 IDC WorldChampions / Maxim di Altobello, Come As You Are Jared, Fedor Del Nasi, Baron Nike Renewal, Ferrofarahgomez di Campovalano /, Cut ears and tail - Certificate of veterinary clinics, Pedigree, Passport, Microchip, For the dog's health we give - Guarantee of the Kennel. To contact us and detailed information: Zoran Obradovic, Ruma, SERBIA. E-mail: Phone:+ Web site: blackironwarriordobermann.comDie Kosten für Transport der Dobermann nach Deutschland ist 250 EUR.