potential of trichoderma harzianum rifai and its secondary

Potential of Trichoderma harzianum Rifai and its secondary

Potential of Trichoderma harzianum Rifai and its secondary

BĂŒcher Spielwaren Filme Musik Games sonstiges Potential of Trichoderma harzianum Rifai and its secondary metabolites in controlling seedling blight of maize incited by Fusarium moniliforme Sheld El-Hasan, Abbas Beschreibung Artikeldetails Artikelnummer: Medium: Kartoniert Broschiert Inhalt:

Suicide and Its Prevention: The Role of Attitude and

Suicide and Its Prevention: The Role of Attitude and

Weitere BĂŒcher aus der Kategorie Kriminologie Allgemein finden Sie hier Suicide and Its Prevention: The Role of Attitude and Imitation. von Diekstra, ReneÂŽ F.W.; Maris, Ronald; Platt, Stephen [u.a.] Details: ISBN: Medium: Buch Sprache: Englisch Abbild., Seiten: mit Abbildungen, IX, 371 Se

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Intermediate Mechanics of Materials (Solid Mechanics and Its

Intermediate Mechanics of Materials (Solid Mechanics and Its

This book covers the essential topics for a second-level course in strength of materials or mechanics of materials, with an emphasis on techniques that are useful for mechanical design. Design typically involves an initial conceptual stage during which many options are considered. At this stage, qui

The Courage to Act A Memoir of a Crisis and Its Aftermath.

The Courage to Act A Memoir of a Crisis and Its Aftermath.

BĂŒcher Spielwaren Filme Musik Games sonstiges The Courage to Act A Memoir of a Crisis and Its Aftermath. With a New Afterword Bernanke, Ben S. Beschreibung In a fascinating account (Martin Wolf, Financial Times), Bernanke S. Bernanke pulls back the curtain on his efforts as chair of the Federal Rese

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Illness as Metaphor and Aids and its Metaphors Sontag, Susan

Illness as Metaphor and Aids and its Metaphors Sontag, Susan

BĂŒcher Spielwaren Filme Musik Games sonstiges Illness as Metaphor and Aids and its Metaphors Sontag, Susan Penguin Modern Classics Beschreibung Sontag wrote Illness as Metaphor in , while suffering from breast cancer herself. In her study she reveals that the metaphors and myths surrounding cer

Ecumenical Reception: Its Challenge and Opportunity

Ecumenical Reception: Its Challenge and Opportunity

Ecumenical Reception: Its Challenge and Opportunity William G. Rusch Art Nr.: ISBN 13: B-Nr: INF Release year: Published by: William B Eerdman Co Cover: Taschenbuch Pages: 142 Weight: 181 g Language: Englisch Author: William G. Rusch Gebraucht - Sehr gut - ung

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Hamburg and its beautiful environs Alter Prospekt

Hamburg and its beautiful environs Alter Prospekt

Farbiger Bildplan. Englisch. Illustrierter Text mit den SehenswĂŒrdigkeiten der Stadt. Layout: Hans-GĂŒnther Baass. Leicht gebrĂ€unt. Ansonsten sehr gut erhalten.

PHYSICS - ITS Methods And Meanings, New York City

PHYSICS - ITS Methods And Meanings, New York City

Ich verkaufe sehr gut erhalten in englischer Sprache: PHYSICS - Its Methods And Meanings Alexander Taffel, Ph.D., Pricipal, Bronx High School of Science, New York City Allyn and bacon, Inc. Seiten

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Chloe: Chasser Croiser: The Surreal and Its Echo

Chloe: Chasser Croiser: The Surreal and Its Echo

Already well known in the international electronic music scene, French DJ and sound artist Chloe brings her surrealist approach to sound to a new artist's book and audio recording. Featuring photographs, manuscript excerpts and other ephemera, the publication serves as an echo'' to an original sound

Chloe: Chasser Croiser: The Surreal and Its Echo,

Chloe: Chasser Croiser: The Surreal and Its Echo,

Ihre internet(te) Buchhandlung Unsere Shops & ; Belletristik Kinder- und JugendbĂŒcher Reise Ratgeber FachbĂŒcher Sachbuch Schule und Lernen Chloe: Chasser Croiser: The Surreal and Its Echo - Beschreibung Already well known in the international electronic music scene, French DJ and sound artist Ch

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Salmonella: A Practical Approach to the Organism and Its

Salmonella: A Practical Approach to the Organism and Its

Ihre internet(te) Buchhandlung Unsere Shops & ; Belletristik Kinder- und JugendbĂŒcher Reise Ratgeber FachbĂŒcher Sachbuch Schule und Lernen Salmonella: A Practical Approach to the Organism and Its Control in Foods (Practical Food Microbiology) - Chris Bell Beschreibung Human illness attributed to

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Fulfilling the Potential of Your Doctoral Experience

Fulfilling the Potential of Your Doctoral Experience

Fulfilling the Potential of Your Doctoral Experience (Success in Research) Pam Denicolo, Julie Reeves, Dawn Duke Art Nr.: ISBN 13: B-Nr: INF Release year: Published by: SAGE Publications Ltd Cover: Taschenbuch Pages: 240 Weight: 378 g Language: Englisch Author

Schabracke von Equest,,Class of its own", WB Dressur

Schabracke von Equest,,Class of its own", WB Dressur

Verkaufe hier eine gebrauchte aber gut gepflegte Dressurschabracke von Equest. Es handelt sich um das Modell Class of its own in grau. Da ich Minimum 20 Schabracken zu hause habe und mir langsam der Platz fehlt, weil doch hin und wieder eine neue einzieht, suchen nun einige ein neues Zuhause. Die Schabracke ist unbeschĂ€digt, lediglich die Klettstreifen oben wurden entfernt, da ich sie an meinem Monoblatt-Sattel hĂ€tte nicht befestigen können und sie deswegen gestört haben. Die Funktion der Decke wird dadurch jedoch nicht beeintrĂ€chtigt. Das gute StĂŒck wird frisch gewaschen abgegeben. Ladenpreis lag bei 65,-€ Ein Versand ist möglich, jedoch trĂ€gt der KĂ€ufer die Kosten. Bezahlung kann per Überweisung, Paypal (bei Übernahme der GebĂŒhren), oder Bar bei Abholung erfolgen. Da dies ein Privatverkauf ist wird keine Garantie oder RĂŒcknahme gewĂ€hrt. Jede Art der GewĂ€hrleistung wird ausgeschlossen.

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Maas, Sarah J. A Court of Wings and Ruin Court of Thorns and

BĂŒcher Spielwaren Filme Musik Games sonstiges Maas, Sarah J. A Court of Wings and Ruin Court of Thorns and Roses A Court of Thorns and Roses Beschreibung Hoping to gather information on Tamlin and the invading king threatening Prythian, Feyre plays a deadly game of deceit while trying to find allies

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The Face of Britain: The Nation through Its Portraits

The Face of Britain: The Nation through Its Portraits

Simon Schama, geboren in London, Historiker, Kunsthistoriker und Kunstkritiker, lehrt an der Columbia University, mehrere Jahre Kunstkritiker des New Yorker, Mitarbeiter von BBC und The Guardian, zahlreiche BĂŒcher.

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This book describes how an era of biohappiness, based on the conservation and sustainable and equitable use of biodiversity, can be launched. It deals with all aspects of conservation such as in situ, ex situ and community conservation, and also covers conservation issues relating to mangroves and o

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Artikeldetails The beauty and lore of coins, currency and medals Clain-Stefanelli, V and E: Auflage: First Edition Riverwood, Seiten mit zahlreichen Abbildungen 28,2 x 21,6 x 2,3 cm, Gebundene Ausgabe Sprache: Englisch ISBN: X EAN: Bestell-Nr: Bemerkungen: Kle

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Young verse: a collection of rhymes and riddles, poems and

Young verse: a collection of rhymes and riddles, poems and

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Technological innovations and new drugs have led to an explosion in the costs of medical care, and also to the realization among both medical and allied practitioners and patients that such innovation has not necessarily led to more effective care. A gap exists between theory and real-life practice
