Robot Baby or Reborn Baby
Hi Guys, can you help me, I``m looking for the manufacturer of robots (artificial intelligence). I``m looking for a robot baby what is on the stand of a baby, where you can also teach something like the real baby. It should have the following functions, e.g. - The look is said to be soft silicone vinyl by an Apache Indian with long black hair and blue eyes. I stand on Indians =) - The eyes should move in every direction and also the eyes should open and close - The mouth should also be flexible and it should also show the gestures such as laughter, crying, anger and on - It should also speak like a baby and more words should it learn from me - It should also breathe and lift his chest up and down - Hands, fingers, arms, shoulders, legs and hips should be as mobile as the real baby sitting, crawling, running without the help of people - The size of the baby should be 70 cm and the robot can grow up to 1.50 cm - Gender Male - Price does not matter