looking for alaska schuler lekture

Looking for a new home

Looking for a new home

Beschreibung 2 kastrierte schwarz-weiße Stubentiger suchen ab dem Ende Juni ein neues schönes Zuhause.

Looking for Student from Thailand

Looking for Student from Thailand

I am looking for Studenten from Thailand to learn some Thai language because i plan holliday in Thailand. You can call me by whatsapp.

Verwandte Suchanfragen looking for alaska schuler lekture: Looking for Student from Thailand
Looking for English / German conversation

Looking for English / German conversation

Hello, due to job-reasons I`d like to practice English in exchange somebody could practice German with me. In a causal athmosphere. We could do some English / German conversation (once a week in the evening). I `m located in the center of Munich. I`m looking forward hearing from somebody.

Looking for Autechre Live  tickets

Looking for Autechre Live tickets

Hey I'm looking for 1 or 2 tickets for the concert. Please let me know if you wanna sell it.

Verwandte Suchanfragen looking for alaska schuler lekture: Looking for Autechre Live tickets
Looking for designer Morelia Viridis

Looking for designer Morelia Viridis

Beschreibung Looking for designer morelia viridis.please send me email

Hamster looking for new home

Hamster looking for new home

It turns out I'm allergic to the little fella:/ I'm looking for a nice animal-loving caretaker for the little guy. He's a male Teddyhamster, beige in color and about 1.5 years old. He has a clear bill of health from a vet and I still have the receipt for when and where I bought him. He's the nicest sweetest lil thing. Never ever bites. Very smart and comes out when you call for him. Very clean and will only go potty in his sand tray. Very sociable and will appreciate play time even more so than meal time. If you are interested, please contact me and I will set up a time for you to see the hamster and the cage. I don't care about money as much as making sure he goes into good hands..................................... (Google Übersetzer) Es stellt sich heraus, dass ich allergisch auf den kleinen Kerl bin:/ Ich suche einen netten tierliebenden Besitzer fĂŒr den kleinen Kerl. Er ist ein mĂ€nnlicher Teddyhamster, beige in Farbe und ca. 1,5 Jahre alt. Er hat eine klare Gesundheitswesen von einem Tierarzt und ich habe immer noch die Quittung fĂŒr wann und wo ich ihn gekauft habe. Er ist die schönste sĂŒĂŸeste Sache. Niemals beißt Sehr schlau und kommt raus, wenn du ihn anrufst. Sehr sauber und wird nur Töpfchen in seinem Sandtablett. Sehr gesellig und schĂ€tzt die Spielzeit noch mehr als die Mahlzeit. Wenn Sie interessiert sind, kontaktieren Sie mich bitte und ich werde eine Zeit fĂŒr Sie einrichten, um den Hamster und den KĂ€fig zu sehen. Ich interessiere mich nicht fĂŒr Geld so viel wie sicherstellen, dass er in gute HĂ€nde geht.

Verwandte Suchanfragen looking for alaska schuler lekture: Hamster looking for new home
Looking for English speaking household help

Looking for English speaking household help

Hello, we are a family of 3 and we're looking for someone reliable and friendly to help with cleaning and tidying our house. Approximately twice a week or 10 hours/week. Must speak English. Offering 10 EUR / hour

Looking for English speaking household help

Looking for English speaking household help

Hello, we are a family of 3 and we're looking for someone reliable and friendly to help with cleaning and tidying our house. Approximately twice a week or 10 hours/week. Must speak English. Offering 10 EUR / hour

Verwandte Suchanfragen looking for alaska schuler lekture: Looking for English speaking household help
I'm looking for hatching eggs

I'm looking for hatching eggs

I'm Sinan ÖZGÜR. I live in izmir turkey. I want to receive the weekly fifty or one hundred eggs hatching. I put the pictures of chickens. I would like to do business with those that can be sent with fast shipping to Turkey.Ayam Cemani,Blue Red Laced Wyandot,Silver Laced Wyandot,black-White Padouen,White-Yellow Padouen,Chamous Turingen

Looking for my next drawing model !

Looking for my next drawing model !

Schicke mir dein bestes Foto und gewinne eine kostenlose Zeichnung von mir! Motive: Aktbilder LG, Abuzar

Verwandte Suchanfragen looking for alaska schuler lekture: Looking for my next drawing model !
Male Model looking for ModelJobs, ModelAuftrÀge,

Male Model looking for ModelJobs, ModelAuftrÀge,

Hallo,   bin ein Male Model aus Berlin und habe freie KapazitĂ€ten, die ich gern in Shootings investieren möchte und daher diese Anzeige aufgebe.   Freue mich wenn ich jemandem passen sollte oder jemand was weiss und mich weiterleiten könnte.   Bisher im Bereich, Fashion, Stockfotografie uvw. gearbeitet und es macht einfach wirklich richtig Spaß. Der sollte auch im vordergrund stehen.   Freue mich nun ĂŒber Nachrichten von Ihnen/Euch.   LG Alex

Michael is looking for a family

Michael is looking for a family

Michael is about 1 year old, shepherd mix, has a shoulder height for about cm. The story of Michael: he was living on the street and surviving with a girl dog. Probably they were survived brother and sister. They were always together in a hot and cold weather, sharing meal, sleeping nearby. One day psychopath shoot them. Michael was lucky and managed to escape. But his friend didn’t
 Michael came back and was laying the whole day near his friend, until people took her body. This crazy psychopath promised to kill Michael as well, that’s why he was taken from the street to the foster family and under a supervision of the volunteering community. It took time to build trust again, but we managed to return him to normal life. Michael is very cute, kind and adorable. Sometimes he still acts like a puppy, he likes running, playing and jumping. He lived in a foster family with a cat, a dog and 6 years old girl. To the cat he was neutral, both of them were trying to keep the feeling of disgust deep inside =) He was afraid of children, but young 6 years old princess melted his heart) Now Michael is still cautious to strangers. It takes 2-3 days for him to feel more comfortable, and in 1 week time he will feel as at home. To other dogs he is good if the other dog is good as well to him. He doesn’t bark just in case, only if other dogs start barking. Michael doesn't have stupid behaviour at home. He has a lot of toys and knows how entertain himself. He is super clever, however volunteers didn’t have enough time to provide proper trainings for him. For him it would be very helpful to have basic dog training courses. Michael has all the vaccinations, blood tests and international passport. Now he has 3 times walking. We are looking for a family with no kids or grown up children, and no cats. The potential family should have enough time to spend with Michael, should have experience in raising similar breed / mixed breed dogs, and should have a desire and possibility to start training at a dog school. The adoption nay be possible only to English speaking people (due to my bad knowledge of German) based on animal welfare contract after personal meeting with me and my dog. A requirement will be an option to visit Michael in a new family in agreed time and receive photos once in 3-4 weeks. More photos and videos are available upon request, visiting and meeting may be possible in Frankfurt any day upon request. He is so in need of the family, whom he can start trust and whom he can give all of his love. Please consider to take him home!

Verwandte Suchanfragen looking for alaska schuler lekture: Michael is looking for a family
For Sale: Sculpture: The Looking Man

For Sale: Sculpture: The Looking Man

Sculpture handmade of wood in very good condition Author: Ricardo Material: wood Price: 233 EUR - to negotiate Tel.: ( (also free Whatsapp conversation) Payment: cash on delivery, to a bank account, PayPal or PayU Possibility of personal collection Possibility of shipping by courier (with or without download) Dies ist ein Angebot unseres Partners ' Quoka.de '.

David Hasselhoff BREMEN  Years Looking For

David Hasselhoff BREMEN Years Looking For

1x fester Sitzplatz Eintrittskarte fĂŒr den in Bremen. Reihe 7, Platz 12 David Hasselhoff - 30 Years Looking For Freedom BREMEN - Ticket Sa, Uhr ---Bei Fragen gerne melden--- ÖVB-Arena BĂŒrgerweide, BREMEN Zeit fĂŒr den „Limbo Dance“: David Hasselhoff kommt auf große Deutschland-Tour!

Verwandte Suchanfragen looking for alaska schuler lekture: David Hasselhoff BREMEN Years Looking For
Emma is looking for her forever human!

Emma is looking for her forever human!

Emma is about 5 years old, mixed hound breed. She is about kg and cm shoulder height. She is kind to people, she had no experience with small dogs and cats, but based on the hound breed type I would say it is not a good idea to keep her with small animals. She has a couple of very best dog friends, and she doesn't want to meet other dogs and spend time playing. She is extremely self-sufficient dog. She is not super active and not annoying, but for sure she likes walking around and spending time with people. She is calm, with new people she is suspicious as almost all people and animals. She needs a couple of days to get used to a new environment. And in 1 week time she will be your best friend! Now Emma has individual training sessions 2 times per week with a dog trainer. She knows how to sit, lay, heel, stop, come. Unfortunately she wasn’t trained in German or English, but based on an experience dogs catch language very fast, mostly with the help of sign and intonation. She made very good progress with a trainer and she shows willingness to learn more. It looks like she understands that all her future life will depend on the progress in trainings. She is clean, has walking 3 times per day. She doesn’t damage things when she has sufficient toys and chewing sticks in order not to feel bored alone. Emma was rescued a couple of years ago, she was starving and exhausted. Luckily based on blood tests and veterinarian inspection she was healthy. However, this pretty girl ended up in the shelter and spent there 2 years until she was reallocated to a foster family with constant training in order to increase her chances of being adopted. Emma is still very kind and trusts people so much. She likes to give hugs and tries to kiss her people, however she is not fully aware how to kiss and she confuses it with catching a nose:) It is something that her dog trainer is trying to reduce. Currently we are looking for a family with no kids or grown up children, and no cats or dogs. The potential family should have enough time to spend with a dog, should have experience in raising similar breeds / mixed breeds, and should have a desire and possibility to attend dog trainings. Emma is vaccinated, dewormed, chipped and has international passport. In a couple of weeks Emma is coming from a foreign shelter and will be available for visiting and adoption in Frankfurt in a mid / end of March, or earlier if there is a family that would like to adopt her earlier right away from the shelter or foster her for 3-4 weeks. In Frankfurt Emma will be under supervision of German volunteering community. The adoption may be possible only to English speaking people based on animal welfare contract after personal meeting. A requirement will be an option to visit a dog in a new family in agreed time and receive photos once in 3-4 weeks. More photos and videos are available upon request, visiting and meeting may be possible in Frankfurt. She is so in need of the family, whom she can start trust and give all of her love. Please consider to take her home!

Looking for someone to teach me German

Looking for someone to teach me German

I am looking for someone to teach me German, in person or online.

Verwandte Suchanfragen looking for alaska schuler lekture: Looking for someone to teach me German
Little Kitten looking for a new owner

Little Kitten looking for a new owner

Hi, I am looking for a new owner for my baby Mia. She is about 7 months young and has her little kitty passport with all the deworming and other things she's been cleared out of. I have to find a new owner for her because I got a new job which keeps me away from home for more than 10 hours a day, plus moving into a new apartment where pets are not allowed:(She does not bite or scratch, is very energetic and likes to play. She only uses her toilet and of course is scared of water. I bought her for 200 Euros and asking for the same price or less, all depends on the request. She has not been sterilised yet as its a bit too early for that, but will have to be done soon. I would really like to find someone who will spend some time at home with her and it would be even better if you have kids, to keep her company. Please only serious buyers. Dayana

ICH Suche Vollkupiert dobermann welpen schwarz Looking for

ICH Suche Vollkupiert dobermann welpen schwarz Looking for

Beschreibung ICH Suche Vollkupiert dobermann welpen schwarz Können kontaktieren in Deutsch und English auchIch suche als private nicht kennel nur fĂŒr Deutschland die hund geht nicht zu auslandLooking for full cropped black dobberman puppy (girl is better option but can be boy also)Looking for private purposes as a new family member I am not kennelCan contact in English and German also - the dog stays in GermanyPrice negotiable if the dog have better papers I pay more obviously but with limit

Verwandte Suchanfragen looking for alaska schuler lekture: ICH Suche Vollkupiert dobermann welpen schwarz Looking for
Looking for Trouble: Recognizing and Meeting Threats in

Looking for Trouble: Recognizing and Meeting Threats in

Artikeldetails Looking for Trouble: Recognizing and Meeting Threats in Chess Heisman, Dan: Russell Enterprises Inc, Seiten 22,6 x 15,0 x 1,0 cm, Softcover Paperback Sprache: Englisch ISBN: EAN: Bestell-Nr: Bemerkungen: kleinere Gebrauchsspuren, gute Erhaltun

Looking for Two tickets BVB- Bayern 4 November

Looking for Two tickets BVB- Bayern 4 November

Hey there, I'm looking for two tickets BVB- Bayern 4 November . I prefer the tickets to be for fan away section and side by side. Thanks!

Verwandte Suchanfragen looking for alaska schuler lekture: Looking for Two tickets BVB- Bayern 4 November
Hello,I am looking for a New Home

Hello,I am looking for a New Home

Hi i am Balou and i am looking for a Nice Home where i can be a cheerfull Family Pet,, I love to cuddle, go for walks, and to have daily playtime, I love children,    Please Phone for information    Tel - or -

Looking for native speaker to improve the English

Looking for native speaker to improve the English

Start Easter holiday and geographical proximity preferred.

Verwandte Suchanfragen looking for alaska schuler lekture: Looking for native speaker to improve the English
Looking to the Future: Building a Curriculum for Social

Looking to the Future: Building a Curriculum for Social

In advocating an action-oriented and issues-based curriculum, this book takes the position that a major, but shamefully neglected, goal of science and technology education is to equip students with the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to confront the complex and often ill-defined socioscienti

Barista & Service fĂŒr Goodies - We are looking for you!

Barista & Service fĂŒr Goodies - We are looking for you!

Wir suchen dich?!:) Unser Goodies braucht tatkrĂ€ftige & serviceorientierte Mitarbeiter/innen die auf einen nachhaltigen "healthy lifestyle" & Kaffeekultur stehen! Wir suchen verschiedene Stellen von Mini, Teilzeit bis Vollzeit fĂŒr unsere LĂ€den in Kreuzberg, Prenzlauer Berg und Friedrichshain. Wir freuen uns wenn du schon Erfahrung im Service und als Barista mitbringst! Das passt zu Dir? Dann schicke uns Deine Bewerbung mit Lebenslauf per E-Mail an bewerbung at the-bowl punkt de

Verwandte Suchanfragen looking for alaska schuler lekture: Barista & Service fĂŒr Goodies - We are looking for you!
The Gangster We Are All Looking For Buch englisch novel

The Gangster We Are All Looking For Buch englisch novel

Das Buch ist neu. buch, bĂŒcher, english, englisch, englischsprachig, bildung, lesen, literaturk, fremdsprachen, lernen, kultur, usa, amerika, krisen, the gangster we are all looking for, book, books, literature, new, taschenbuch, taschenbĂŒcher, le thi diem thuy, asien, asia, spannend, spannung, freizeit, knowledge, biografie, biography, drama, neuwertig, neu, neuware
