Baru - Hundesitter in Müllheim
Beschreibung * Alter: 23 Jahre * Nichtraucher * 2 Jahre Erfahrung Baru betreut folgende Tierarten: Hundesitter Voegel Bauernhoftiere Katzensitter Fische My name is Barbora, I am 23 years old and recently moved from the czech republic to müllheim. I am a mother of a 2,5 year boy named Tadeas.Currently i live in Müllheim with my boyfriend, son and 2 cats and a bunny. i miss having a dog and would like the opportunity very much to work/spend some time with dogs and earn some extra money. 2 weeks a month i am available completely during the day (monday-sunday). the other 2 weeks I am not available because i have my son. I dont have a drivers license so working in Müllheim, Neuenburg, Schliengen, Auggen, bad Krozingen and Heitersheim would be best because its easily reachable by train/bus.