Tierbetreuung in Kleve
Beschreibung * Alter: 20 Jahre * Stundenlohn zwischen 8 € und 12 € * Raucher * 5 Jahre Erfahrung * bietet Vollzeit an * Fährt max.50 km * Notfallbetreuung Pavlina betreut folgende Tierarten: * Hundesitter * Katzensitter * Fische I had a dog - chow chow, she was called Silva. Unfortunatelly she passed away at the age of 12 (human years). Me and my grandfather took care of her. My task were to give her food, to walk her, to brush her in a few days. I had never wahed her, my granddad did that. Also I had two cats, I took them from the street. They wre called Nahalincho and Chochko. I I took care of them and my tasks basically were to give them food, to play with them and to make sure that they do not make mess I also had to cut their nails.