Helena - Hundesitter in Berlin
Beschreibung * Alter: 25 Jahre * Stundenlohn zwischen 9 € und 12 € * Raucher * 10 Jahre Erfahrung * bietet Vollzeit an * Fährt max.20 km * Notfallbetreuung Helena betreut folgende Tierarten: * Hundesitter * kleine Säugetiere * Katzensitter * Fische * Bauernhoftiere * Vögel Hello! I am Helena, 25 year old student from Croatia, currently living in Berlin. I have more than 15 years experience in taking care of animals, because throughout my childhood and "adulthood" I had all kinds of animals, such as dogs, cats, parrots, turtles, bunnies, pigs and even cows (yes, my parents were great to allow me all of that:D). Currently I have a dog, a cat and a bunny back at home, and miss them very much. So, to cure my heartache I would happily take care of your animal:)