Geschosshülse mit der Gravur der Ghostrider Spezialeinheit
Geschosshülse mit der Gravur der Ghostrider Spezialeinheit und deren Gefallener 105 mm Anerkennung der Aircraft Maintenance Unit für Abwicklung der Nachtflugeinsätze im Irak und Afghanisten Höhe 54 cm Graviert (siehe Bilder) Located at Hurlburt Field, Fla., the 4th Special Operations Squadron (4th SOS) is the largest of nine flying squadrons within the 1st Special Operations Wing. The unit employs the AC-130U Spooky gunship Flight control specialist journeymen from the 4th Aircraft Maintenance Unit work on an AC-130U Spooky Gunship at Hurlburt Field, Fla., May th SOS Emblem Significance: Blue background represents the sky, the primary theater of Air Force operations. Yellow refers to the sun and the excellence required of Air Force personnel. The black disc with crescent suggests a night sky in which the unit is especially adapted to operate. The ghost specter reflects the unit's history and the aircraft named "Spooky." It further alludes to the squadron's ability to appear and disappear. The flames spewing from the ghost's arm denotes the firepower of the unit's aircraft from high altitude